After seeing some of the most "successful" people in the world struggle and not feel happy or realized as their best selves I decided to go back to school and learn the art & science of coaching (I thought "life coaching" was new age garbage until I really researched coaching at the suggestion of my own therapist and saw how deep it goes and how very legitimate it can be). I also learned it's not about telling people what to do with their lives but learning how to use powerful questioning to help people get to their truths and the best versions of themselves. I put in the course work, accreditation hours and now have a practice within my Biz 3 world. I was called a “Rockstar Whisper” by the Guardian UK recently but all are welcome no matter their circumstance. I see CEOs next to broke college kids next to famous musicians next to out of work tradesmen. I’ve lived a lot of lives and I care deeply about helping people to get to where they want to be whether that is in their personal lives or with their careers. Nothing is off the table for exploration. I have decades in both the business world and in deep personal work so the scope of my coaching goes from the personal to the executive/professional. It's all the same in the end and they clearly effect one another. I am currently ICF credentialed in Coaching and am doing additional certifying in Addiction/Recovery coaching as well as Relationship coaching as part of expanding my skills and expertise under the Coaching umbrella. THE COME UP... I'm a scrappy girl from Milford Michigan who now at age 50 resides in Los Angeles with my two school aged boys. I built a successful 26 year career in the music industry from a desk pulled into a borrowed closet of a local Chicago bar while also waiting tables at night and that is where I formed my company Biz 3 in 1996, which now enjoys almost 200 clients with offices in Chicago and LA. I have had a 20 year obsession with all things well-being (therapy, meditation, shaman, essential oils, zillions of self-help books, TED talks, retreats, ceremonies, etc). That fascination exists because this stuff actually works. We all battle our own issues, road blocks, addictions, abilities, etc. The bigger the tool bag we build up, the better off we will be. The happier we will be. The more fulfilled we will be.
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